Image for “The value of moving to a new city”, Finding Your Bliss

Back in February, I packed up my little life in the GTA for a brand new experience — moving to Montreal. Now, a lot of folks move to new cities to start fresh, but this was a huge change for me. Not only was it my first apartment (and paying rent!), it was also my first time ever moving out, and plus I’m living with my partner for the first time—all while working remotely.

While the fear of so many drastic changes did sit in my mind, the vibrancy, excitement, and coolness of the city itself made the experience even more amazing. I remember the first time I walked down Saint-Laurent Boulevard, feeling the unique blend of French and English cultures, and thinking, “This is home now.”

Regardless of what kind of change you’re going through, here are some things that helped me navigate such a large change in my little life:

1. Embrace the unknown

Moving to a new city is an opportunity to explore new places, meet new people, and immerse yourself in a different culture. Embrace the uncertainty and view it as an adventure. For me, this meant taking solo walks in our neighborhood and discovering hidden gems and cool food spots along the way.


2. Stay connected

Keep in touch with friends and family back home. Their support can be a great source of comfort and encouragement as you settle into your new environment. Weekly video calls with my best friend helped me feel less homesick and more supported. Plus, I always try to make time for a daily call with my Momma!

3. Make your new space a sanctuary

Plants, books, cozy blankets. Those are quite literally all I need to feel at peace. When I moved, I knew i needed my space to feel not just like home, but my home. I invested in lots of decor pieces that bring me joy and peace, and it’s been so lovely during this adjustment.


4. Get involved

Join local groups, clubs, or classes that interest you. For me, that was joining a yoga studio just down the street. While I’m still working on making some friends (feels like I’m entering high school again, haha), it’s nice to feel a part of something. It’s a fantastic way to meet new people and make connections.

5. Create a routine

Establishing a daily routine can provide a sense of stability amidst the chaos of moving. It can help you feel more grounded and at home in your new surroundings. My morning walks to our nearby café, Rose De Mai, became my grounding ritual and it still makes me smile because the barista knows my name!


6. Be patient

Adjusting to a new city takes time. Give yourself grace and patience as you navigate this transition. That was the hardest part for me, but I realized it’s normal to feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. With time, you’ll find your rhythm just like me!

Moving to Montreal has been a transformative experience, teaching me resilience, adaptability, and the joys of stepping out of my comfort zone. I’d recommend moving to a new city to anyone, especially those looking for a fresh start!

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