Hi everyone! I can’t believe we have just released the third issue of the Finding Your Bliss magazine! So much good news! Where to start? Amy Fish, an exciting and talented writer, shares her journey to finding her bliss with a great story about her trajectory and sharing with us everything that led up to her upcoming book “I Wanted Fries With That!” Please see link in her bio for information on how to pre-order the book on Amazon. Amy is someone I’ve always imagined having her own TV talk show, as she is hilarious, highly intelligent and definitely a talent to watch out for!!!
Next, I’ve met so many incredible women at this beautiful yoga teacher training program. One of these women who will make an amazing yoga teacher is Mary Catherine, known to everyone as MC. This impressive young woman has completed 17 marathons, several triathlons and one Ironman, snd she has now turned to the yoga mat for a whole new chapter in her life! Check out Mary Catherine’s article “Finding My Mat.”
Next up we have Jean Wagner, a popular speaker and relational life coach, writing about how when you fall in love with yourself, that’s when you can really find and attract the perfect mate!
Finally, we were celebrating a friend’s special birthday and decided to do a wonderful day in Niagara on The Lake, bike riding 20 km and wine tasting along the way. We found a spectacular place, Grape Escape Wine Tours and were led by this wonderful person John who led the bike trip and wine tour. All of this would have been fine except for one thing. I hadn’t ridden a bike in a very long time and it was never my best activity to start. Suffice it to say, I can count on less than one hand the times I’ve been on a bike, let alone being able to go on a 20 kilometre bike ride. I started off practically in tears and really not feeling comfortable and initially with the help of John who was very patient, I started to get the hang of it.
But it was really my dear friend Donna, who turned everything around for me. Instead of staying up at the front with all of the good riders, of which she is definitely one of the best, she elected to stay at the back of the line, “having my back” as it were, literally for the many hours of the bike ride and wine tour. She called out suggestions, comforting words and used humour to turn me from a neophyte to feeling pretty confident by the end of the day. I don’t think I could have done it without her. I was just so touched by her willingness to give up her own better ride to have my back and make it possible for me to have this experience. She exemplifies all of the greatest values and her character reminds me of my beloved late Grandma Siblin who always had my back too! She is a great friend and I want to thank her for helping me get over a fear and be able to enjoy the beautiful scenery, the smell of the fresh green cut grass, see and hear the birds chirping, the flowers and trees along the way, feel the wind at my back and the sun in my face! What a great reminder to step outside of the box and try new things and stretch yourself beyond what you ever thought was possible. So a great friend and a very kind man named John made the first real day of the summer an experience I’ll never forget! And we had a beautiful birthday celebration for our friend Sherry and everyone had a wonderful experience!!!
I hope you enjoy this third edition of the magazine, and that some of the words or ideas bring you one step closer to finding your bliss.
We’d love to hear from you! Please send us your suggestions for future articles. And if you’re a writer, please see our writer’s submissions page for details.