About us

Finding Your Bliss is an online magazine that is all about finding and following your bliss. Bliss is different things to different people, so this new online magazine/bliss blog will explore what it is for you. It will give you a beautiful collection of tips, inspiring ideas, great articles, quotes, self-help book reviews, fun exercises on how to find your bliss, and videos that will give you so many tools in your bliss toolkit, that you will have a myriad of ways to tap into your unique, individualized and special brand of bliss. You will also hear from people who have found their bliss and maybe their path will inspire you and give you ideas on how to find yours.

A huge focus is to help you connect to your passion and purpose, because when you do, especially when it involves using your unique talents, gifts and capabilities and things you LOVE to serve others and make the world a better place, you can’t help but be HAPPIER. The biggest take home: It’s not always from chasing happiness that we find our bliss, it’s from pursuing peace of mind that we truly find our bliss. When we are at peace, we are usually happy and joyful and in an extremely blissful state of being.

Bliss can also be described as:

  • joy,
  • happiness,
  • euphoria,
  • exhiliration,
  • elation,
  • deep contentment,
  • profound fulfillment,
  • and enlightenment.

It’s that feeling you have when you are deeply engaged in something or someone and time just passes so quickly, because you love what you are doing and who you are being.

The Creator of Finding Your Bliss magazine, Judy Siblin-Librach, along with her fellow contributors/bliss bloggers, will write and talk about all things related to Finding Your Bliss from Body, Mind and Spirit, to Yoga, Meditation, Mindfullness, from Diet and Exercise, to Blissful Foods, Style in your Home, to Spas, from Travel Bliss, to your Love, Relationships, Friendship, Beauty, Fashion, Music and Entertainment, Flowers and Nature, Self-Help Books about Bliss and Celebrities and fabulous “make it happen” people who will share their stories about finding their bliss. This journey is going to be exciting. So sit back, relax and take a seat on the magic carpet ride and get ready to take one step closer to finding your bliss!!!!!!!

About us
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