Image for “Finding Your Bliss news and more about season 2 of Finding Your Bliss Radio”, Finding Your Bliss

Hi everyone. I hope this post finds you well. And I am sorry that I’ve been MIA for the last little while, but I am back!

As Deepak Chopra has said, we all fell asleep in one world and woke up in another. I haven’t written in a while, as like all of you, I’ve been trying to process all of the events of the last month and try to make sense of this “new normal,” so I’ve been reading numerous writings from spiritual beings like Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra and others, trying to put all the pieces together.

Aside from the surreal reality of social distancing, quarantining, staying at home, not hugging your loved ones, the world as we knew it has changed completely and even that would be okay if it wasn’t for the suffering and incredible fear and sadness that accompanies this virus, and the grief of the thousands of people who have suffered and have died from Covid-19. So when Marianne Williamson talks about the grief that we are all experiencing, I appreciate that she is naming the elephant and allowing us to be with the sadness.

But I am hoping in Season 2 of Finding Your Bliss on Zoomer Radio that we help our listeneners find comfort and solace in these challenging times.

At first, our inclination was to do every online class, every yoga and meditation online offering and to take the Yale University Happiness course, which I enrolled in because it sounded so enticing. But we are all exhausted. Exhausted from worrying about our livelhoods, the economy, our loved ones, our health and the health of our family and friends. I do believe that if you can do a workout every day, or even by using safe distancing go for a walk around the block to get some fresh air, that is beyond great. Trying to jam umpteen acitivites into a day that is now more complex, may just be too much.

This is a time for inner reflection. I do believe as our guest Julia Cameron, author of The Artist’s Way suggests, now may be the perfect time to do the Morning Pages or keep a journal to unleash the torrent of thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas in an attempt at understanding what is happening all around us and inside of us.

In our first season of Finding Your Bliss on Zoomer Radio we completed 26 episodes all about finding your bliss and it was blissful to head down to the Zoomer studios every weekend with our amazing team and talk about passion and purpose and all things related to the pursuit of enlightenment and bliss.

And now as we approach our second season of the show which begins on May 2nd, it is going to be a very different kind of show. First off, I am producing the show from my home office and for those of you who know me well, I am probably and have always been up until now, not that strong in the technical department to say in the least, (lol!) but thanks to a phenomenal team of people with the biggest hearts and souls you could ever imagine, I am proceeding from my home studio with all new shows and of course we will be tackling how to manage our stress, anxiety, fear, and loneliness in many cases, with this new reality we are all faced with. With the help of some wonderful guests from self-help authors and spiritually minded people, mindfulness meditation and yoga experts, therapists, life coaches, celebrities and a brand-new feature which is that every show will have one musical guest- a well known recording artist or aspiring singer or musician at the end of each show. We are doing this because music is so healing and offers us a beautiful break from the burden we are all faced with.

Our radio show will then be packaged and broadcast by Zoomer Radio and will play as usual every Saturday at 1 PM on AM 740 FM 96.7 and then will be podcasted four days later as usual on Apple, Spotify, Google Play, Zoomer and of course under the Radio heading of our online magazine

The best way to keep in touch with us is to follow us at @theblissminute on Instagram and at @theblissminute on Facebook and of course in our online magazine ( and tune into Zoomer every Saturday at 1 PM which you can also do by going online to and click on Listen Live. I will miss seeing my guests and our team in person, and taking pictures on the Zoomer wall, but for now this is where we’re at and we are “going for it” knowing that this too shall pass and pray that it will be with as few casualties as possible.

The purpose of our show now is to have our experts give you coping mechanisms to help make this time more bearable and less scary and maybe even a time where you can connect more deeply with your inner self and ultimately transform your relationship with yourself and with the world around you.

We will also offer up our regular meditation at the end of every show, because as Oprah says, “one thing I know for sure”, is that music and meditation soothe the soul and so they are both a vital part of our program.

We are also delighted that so many of you are wanting to write for the magazine. Many of our guests will be writing companion pieces in the magazine. If you’re interested in writing a piece, we would love to hear how you are coping, along with some tips that you are finding to be helpful, or just write about what life is like for you right now during this Corona crisis we are all facing.

Please write to us at: or go to the link Write For Us and send us your story ideas. A great way to do this is to check out some of the other wonderful articles that have already published online in the magazine at: Just click on Posts.

We have another new feature, which is write to us with your feedback at

If you are a singer or musician, and would like us to play your music on the FEATURED ARTIST SEGMENT of our show, please send us an MP3 track or WAV file of your single or track from your album, (3 minutes or under), along with your BIO, to and we will consider playing your song on Finding Your Bliss on Zoomer Radio!

With love and wishing you all good health, safety and many blessings, Judy Librach

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